Health Education

One of the great services provided by Mookai Rosie’s professional health staff is to help our clients with health education by providing easy to understand information and advice on improving their and their children’s health.

At Mookai Rosie we believe that good health education is a key way to empower our people to care for their own, and their family’s health and wellbeing. Health-informed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families will be a big step towards closing the current gap in health and life expectancy outcomes.

Our qualified doctor, nurses and health staff are here to help and answer any questions you may have about nutrition, chronic conditions, surgical procedures, medications, drugs and alcohol, bub’s sleep patterns and your own social and emotional health.

For more information on what you can do to prepare for a healthy birth and a healthy bub call us on 07 4081 7500.

Better Health Care is Our Mission